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Are you Drunk, My Love?

At least she was yesterday. She called my a little before midnight, asking how she’ll get home. My Love didn’t know where she was! I asked for an adress, and she got one from someone, but she slurred so much I had a hard time understanding her. But I got some instructions to give her, and it shouldn’t have taken her more than 20 minutes to get home, 30 if the bus was late.

I tried calling her twice, no answers. My first reaction was irritated, but then I begun to worry. She was really drunk, and didn’t answer. Started to worry that she might have fallen and hurt herself, or fallen asleep in the snow… It IS winter and even if I don’t know the exact temerature, it has been at least -20 degrees Celsius here (-4 Fahrenheit) for the last couple of days. At night, it might have been even colder. If you falls asleep in the snow, the risk is that you’ll never wake up.

I started to think about who I could call. I didn’t have the phonenumber of the friend she was with. I was just thinking about calling her sisters husband, when she came home.

I was relieved to have her safely home, but the irritation came back. Irritation at her for making me worry. And because she still hadn’t bought any butter!

Two days ago, she was to go to the post office and the store. She couldn’t buy much, because the package she was getting would be a big one. I had an appointment, so we decided that I’ll go to the store and buy the most of the food after my appointment. We were almost out of butter. My Love said she’s need butter before I would be home, so we decided she’l buy the butter.

Later, at the store, I went by the butters and figured maybe I should call her and ask about the butter. But then I decided not to, she had told me she’d buy butter, so I figured she had. I was almost home when she called me, she had forgotten the butter…

She was to go to the evening shift at work, so she said she’ll buy butter on the way home from work. When she did come home after work – she had of course forgotten about the butter.

And then it was yesterday. I was to go visit a friend, and she was to meet with one of her friends. She said she buy butter on her way home. I was at my friends for over 5 hours, when I was on my way home I passed TWO stores. I did think about calling her, ask her that should I buy the butter. But then I decided I trust her.

When I had been at home for about an hour, I had a question for her, so I called her. She was at a pub with her friend, having “ONE” beer… She told me she’d buy the butter at her way home.

As you probably can guess by now, her “ONE” beer changed into more.. They had gone to visit her friends “something of a relationship-partner but not really”. There they had been served some whiskey… The result being My Love was yesterday more drunk than I have ever seen her before AND she forgot about the butter!!

I know, the butter isn’t that important, more important was that I got her safely home. It is just that I really wanted to have some bread with butter on, and I would have had the oppertunity to but it several times.

I also was a little irritated – once I had her safely home – that she had drunk that much. I can’t stand drunk people!! She could hardly walk and talking seemed to be a challange too. Alcohol is so stupifing!

I used to get drunk too, but haven’t now for over a year. I don’t find it funny anymore. I just get a really bad headache, and when drunk I usually do something that I regret later. I drink a little alcohol sometimes, but not so much that I get drunk.

In the morning, My Love was pretty much hung over. But when I went to work (where I am now), she too got up and went to the store, promising me that this time she WOULD buy butter.

We”ll see about that when I get home…

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